07/08/2024 0 Kommentare
AJ-Session EN
AJ-Session EN
# Neuigkeiten

AJ-Session EN
The youth had a really great time at our first AJ session in Augsburg in October!
We had a powerful worship service! We were able to worship and praise God together with our brothers and sisters from Munich, Mannheim, Bonn and Vienna.

We then heard two of our own youth leaders, Brother Sebastian Engbert from Mannheim and Brother Bryan from Augsburg, preach the Word of God. Although it was two different sermons, it was one message. We have Christ in us and because we are his temple, we must clean the temple.

The altar service was incredibly powerful and life-changing. We firmly believe that many youth and young adults were set free from things they have been struggling with for a long time!

After the service and also the next morning we had the opportunity to have fellowship with each other. Between good food (e.g. a Bavarian breakfast with Wiener and Weißwürstel) and a few activities, we had a really great time and were able to make new friends!

Alles in allem war die AJ-Session ein voller Erfolg und wir freuen uns darauf, auch im nächsten Jahr wieder mit anderen Jugendgruppen zusammen zu arbeiten!